Friday, January 13, 2012

WHY be Thankful?

"WHY be Thankful", you ask? I ask a more important question: "WHY NOT?"

I have learned that thankfulness is an attitude. An ATTITUDE is defined as a position of the body or manner of carrying oneself; posture; a state of mind or a feeling. I choose to LIVE in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!

I think too many forego the opportunity of being thankful or grateful. Very often, we feel there is nothing to be thankful for. Sadly, that is because we do not appreciate the true blessings that are afforded us. We allow the calendar to dictate our ONE opportunity to be thankful, typically the fourth Thursday in November.

Consider the daily blessings, taken for granted, and your attitude will change. Possessing the ability to walk, talk, reason, eat, sleep, digest food, and even excrete wastes are daily processes that we rarely give much attention. Talk with someone who has difficulty performing any number of these things and you will understand the importance of thankfulness. What if you didn't have a job? (no matter the tedium or feeling overwhelmed), a warm home, (maybe it isn't your dream castle), clothing (so it's not Designer) or an automobile (maybe not a luxury vehicle). Imagine your life without your family and close friends. No one to say "I love you" to, or have those words reciprocated.

Thankfulness, to me, is the ATTITUDE of UNDERSTANDING, things could be FAR different.  I am THANKFUL for being ME! I am thankful for God's blessings. I reiterate my initial query, "WHY NOT be thankful?"

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