Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Psalm 150 admonishes that EVERYTHING that has breath, to PRAISE The Lord! There are only six verses, however, they are extremely powerful and challenge US to BE an exuberant PRAISE for God.

Praise is defined as the act of expressing approval or admiration, commendation or laudation.

We must summons our feelings, emotions, desires, expectations, intellect, ALL must be committed in giving God a conscious PRAISE. He Is Sovereign, He Is Majestic, He Is King, He Is Lord, He Is Creator. We must divest ourselves of self-centered and haphazard Worship. EVERYTHING that God
Does and Is, His Essence evokes PRAISE and blessings. HIS Creation SINGS and requites PRAISE.
The leaves on trees PRAISE Him. Birds of the air PRAISE Him. The inhabitants of the sea PRAISE Him. Nature, the heavens, moon and stars point to His Excellence. Let ALL the earth's residents
SING His PRAISE ALOUD. He is to be reverenced, WORSHIPPED and ADORED throughout the

Although this Psalm was directed to the Temple singers, musicians, and directed them in leading the PRAISE set for the congregation, PRAISE is intended that we participate and become actively involved. Our bodies, our minds, our hearts should be excited, exuberant and jubilant, as it is a necessary duty to extol, laud and ascribe goodness upon our PRAISEWORTHY God!

All the instruments named and used in the service of the Lord is merely a prerequisite to the PRAISE
HIS PEOPLE should engage. The PRAISE of His people should mimic the PRAISE
of Heaven and the angelic hosts.  After all, He Is no LESS God in the earth, than He Is in the Heavens! WE, His People are INSTRUMENTS of PRAISE. He Is the Source and Sustainer of our lives. We breathe His Breath, His Essence, the same that He breathed into our nostrils and we became LIVING Souls. So, WHILE we LIVE, we should PRAISE GOD!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Walking With God..............

He Leads me and is at the helm of my life. I don't ask, "What are You Doing?" Because I trust
that since He Created me, He is completely aware of what He determined my life, be.

I love feeling my hand in HIS.
My footsteps overshadowed by HIS.
I love the silent conversations with Him, when I meditate upon His Word.
I love when He speaks to me. His Words are clear, powerful and reassuring.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Welp! It has been some time since I've been here, I'm so HAPPY to be back! What a God! I would like to wish all my viewers and their families a blessed and prosperous New Year! My perspective says, "NEW YEAR, SAME GOD!"  "SAME" God in terms of His Immutability, His Power, His Majesty, His Dominion! He NEVER changes, however He is ALWAYS MOVING. So, we must challenge ourselves to MOVE WITH GOD! We must listen closely for His direction and guidance. We must avoid walking in His WAS-ness, but follow Him intently in His IS-ness!

HAPPY 2015!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Have you ever wondered what PICKLES, PROCESS and PURPOSE have in common? No? What about RAISINS?

Give up?

Alright, I will clue you in to my rationale. Many of you are aware of my love affair with food! However, today, I am speaking in terms of process and purpose, - - - well, more aptly, the point in between.

A pickle IS a cucumber, just like a raisin IS a grape. It is the same product, in a different form. In fact, "pickling" is a process which preserves and flavors food in a solution of brine or vinegar. Fruit may be processed the same way in a sweet solution. A raisin is a dry, sweet grape. What a contrast! Being preserved by something bitter. Comparably, the raisin, dry, yet sweet. So, do not despair when you go through a "dry" season. Discover the sweetness within the purpose that will be revealed.

What does this have to do with PURPOSE? In the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 18, God shows the Prophet how, He is able to do with US, His children, the same as a potter molds clay. When our lives become marred or scarred by people, situations or perhaps, caused by our own doing, He doesn't discard us, but merely, reshapes and models us into whatever He desires. The PURPOSE does not become lost within the PROCESS!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The ocean.
Blue skies.
A newborn baby.
An "unmade" face.
A smile.
A moonlit or star-filled night.
A candle in the darkness.
A bouquet of flowers.
A child's laughter
A rainbow.
A symphony.


Friday, January 13, 2012

WHY be Thankful?

"WHY be Thankful", you ask? I ask a more important question: "WHY NOT?"

I have learned that thankfulness is an attitude. An ATTITUDE is defined as a position of the body or manner of carrying oneself; posture; a state of mind or a feeling. I choose to LIVE in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!

I think too many forego the opportunity of being thankful or grateful. Very often, we feel there is nothing to be thankful for. Sadly, that is because we do not appreciate the true blessings that are afforded us. We allow the calendar to dictate our ONE opportunity to be thankful, typically the fourth Thursday in November.

Consider the daily blessings, taken for granted, and your attitude will change. Possessing the ability to walk, talk, reason, eat, sleep, digest food, and even excrete wastes are daily processes that we rarely give much attention. Talk with someone who has difficulty performing any number of these things and you will understand the importance of thankfulness. What if you didn't have a job? (no matter the tedium or feeling overwhelmed), a warm home, (maybe it isn't your dream castle), clothing (so it's not Designer) or an automobile (maybe not a luxury vehicle). Imagine your life without your family and close friends. No one to say "I love you" to, or have those words reciprocated.

Thankfulness, to me, is the ATTITUDE of UNDERSTANDING, things could be FAR different.  I am THANKFUL for being ME! I am thankful for God's blessings. I reiterate my initial query, "WHY NOT be thankful?"